



At a time where data processing and data storage activities have become a true gold mine for the industry of information technology (IT), data centers must constantly modernize, metamorphose and reinvent themselves to adapt to the newest trends and market needs.

When designing them, flexibility and economy are a major concern. You want to build as you go, be able to move and change your existing configurations and realize important energy savings - all of this at the same time.

It's usually easier said than done - unless you can count on the expertise of JAS Filtration, and its partners, Webb Core and Gordon.

Gordon Logo Jas Filtration

Gordon's patent pending DG series of structural Data Center ceilings deliver accessibility, adaptability, flexibiity and return on investement (ROI). They serve the dual purpose of drop ceiling and support grid for overhead cable distribution.

Think about it. Overhead cabling is easier and faster to install and maintain compared to under floor systems. They are therefore accessible, adaptable and flexible.

With a choice of ceiling panels, you can achieve security, acoustical and aesthetics goals.

Incumbent in their design, Gordon Data Center ceilings also provide an attachment or suspension platform for containment barriers, surface mounted light fixtures or other



JAS Filtration will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your needs, goals and budget to propose the ideal filters for your data center.

Wether you need medium filters, high efficiency filters or something else, we will create a solution meeting your every expectation.

For more details on our data center solution, contact us by phone at 1-800-668-5247 or by email at

Data Center Ceiling - DG Ceiling Grid Installation Video


Data Center Products Guide

DG 1.5 Data Center Ceiling System

DataVENT Brochure

ChaseWall Partition

DataLUME Brochure

DataCel II Brochure